The Psychology of voting… and what drives us!

Social Democrats are very progressive on healthcare and education. Two industries have not been outsourced off shore, yet.

But the entire body of Americans in those industries have lived their careers without the underlying risk of ever being our sourced.  This may sound like it is unimportant, but it is the critical distinction between people who LOVE Donald Trump and HATE him.

Donald Trump has riled a core group of Social Democrats. The anger against Donald Trump supporters on social media is crossing all bounds of politeness. And the perpetrators (Trump Haters)  are equally guilty of selfishness, and exclusion. The irony is that they are the traditional nurturers of our society.

The difference is like two people’s. the one group lives inland and on high ground. The others live at sea level and the tide is coming in. You can intellectualize and say that you understand what that risk is like, but you can’t. When you turn out the light and roll over to sleep you may have problems keeping you up at night. But being outsourced is not one of them.

The irony is that you’d think the social democrats would be the most sensitive to jobs, but they are not.

Trump supporters are not stupid people. They are people who have lived their entire life under a set of rules one way. They have learned to solve problems in a certain way, just as every medical worker and educator has. The difference is that everything we know about solving our problems has been removed.  The factory does not exist any more.  The entire skill is obsolete, because production in Asia has undercut costs so badly, the plant cannot stay competitive. 1000 people here, 500 there.

As you hear about the latest plant closing you say, what a shame. But you do not live with the problem. I know and love many New Jersey teachers. They lost part of their pension and it is still a big fight with Chris Christie.  My company first eliminated our pension, we were told after the fact. We still had a 401. A year later the company closed, I lost it all. A public pension does not compare to what happens to the bread winners who have been outsourced.

Saying that you understand what it is like to be outsourced is like saying that you understand the Great Depression because you saw a Henry Fonda movie. It is with equal flipped ness that Trump supporters are called stupid.

 “fixing the education system that has created so many people ignorant enough to vote for Trump”


When you use my Upstream Thinking and a downstream approach to problem solving and analyze Borowitz’s words, his failings become clear.

Borowitz blames a government system for the popularity of Donald Trump. The system specifically at fault here was the education system.

Borowitz blames a system because that is how he approaches problems, his entire context is within an entire system.  Andy Borowitz says People are voting for Trump because the education system failed. He deliberately builds in the assumption that an educated person would not vote for Trump.  So those voting for Trump are doing so because they were not properly educated. Think about it, the most adamant Trump haters and supporters were educated in the same education system. Because Borowitz does not understand how these people could ever support Trump, he assumes it is a system at fault. This is how he is solving the problem of his not understand Trump supporters.

Trump detractors discount the intelligence of millions of people, his supporters. But I must say, Trump supporters are equally blind understanding Hillary Clinton supporters. The “hatred” is equal, the approach to problem solving is diametric.

We are all equally incapable of understanding those other people we consider “stupid”.

A candidate appeals to you because they speak to your specific problems, and from the perspective that aligns with how you see your problems. And when a candidate invests sincere emotion and enthusiasm into the issues important to you, you become emotionally vested, the message resonates with you.

I watch analysts on CNN dissect the Trump campaign. Despite some of the most objective attempts to understand Trump supporters, they cannot connect. they find Intellectual angst trying to connect the dots to explain the logic.  this is not limited co news analysts. But when that logical disconnect happens with happens in daily life we attribute it to morality… Trump supporters are racists… Obama supporters are lazy… Hillary supporters are mean. We make a moral judgement because we have a problem. We must find a reason to attribute this behavior… why do these people support this guy? They’re stupid.

When a young child is rambunctious or disruptive we easily dismiss their behavior, they are children. But the adult is choosing to support Donald Trump and it does not fit your logic. Psychology dictates that we fill in the blanks to make these things fit our world… Conclusion: these people are stupid. In other words, if i was in your place I would support Hillary Clinton. Nothing Donald Trump could say would ever resonate with me.

During the first month of Trumps candidacy I hated him. Nothing resonated with me but hate… this is an angry guy who is going to just divide this country. But once I heard Trump talk about jobs, he spoke to my problem. Not only that, he exactly described the mechanics of my job loss as I see them. And he expressed what I feel. A New York Hotel Billionaire has a better understanding of the impact of  outsourcing on me, than the people that actually know me.

The Clinton’s signed NAFTA, and NAFTA created the pipeline which siphoned off my viability in the economy. Pure logic dictates that I blame Hillary Clinton for NAFTA.  The relationship is 100% direct. But her supporters do not make a relationship between #NAFTA and their problem.

Here are the mechanics of psychology at play…

Remember in your Psychology 101 class, you talked about a guy named Maslow? He was one of many others in the same chapter; Skinner, Watson, Gestalt.. etal Well I’ve gotten to Maslow very well, from the inside out.

Abraham Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchies is a framework which characterizes how we prioritize our common fundamental problems. But if you do not have a fundamental understanding of Maslow, some of this may not make sense. Perhaps my examples will help you understand Maslow better. But in a nutshell, your fundamental priorities stack in this matter; safe, warm, feed, shelter… these are the basic assumptions most Americans wake up with. These assumptions allow us to venture as a person and grow; education, providing for a family, philanthropy.

the book which best describes Maslow 7 hierarchies is “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Dr. Viktor Frankel. This book pre-dates the publication of Maslow’s Theory.   I digress…

This entire election is about jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs…

Over the past 25 years millions of Americans have had their jobs outsourced to Asia. Foundations  continue to be toen from under families . Their entire existence is shattered and destroyed when the plant is closed, or the IT department is being outsourced to HCL. Regardless  weather the source were failures like the Enron corruption, plants closing, manufacturing going to Asia, outsourcing to cheap foreign born to H4V visa holders, mergers or automation. Millions of Americans have lost their fundamental ability to earn a livable income and they are being called stupid by Hillary Clinton supporters. The job loss has happened right in plain sight and the government has been deaf to the cries of the American worker.

We’ve suffered in angry silence for years as the quality of our lives moves backwards.  Your still working towards that retirement. Now that Trump is the final Republican standing people House and Senate Republicans are being typical politicians and changing their tones.

On CNN 5/5/2016  – House Republican Marsha Blackburn stated that the Republican Party is changing and they need to sit up and listen.

My comment to Congress Woman Blackburn – you gave the typical politician response.  You and your colleagues are so conditioned to political correctness, and out of touch. You change your narrative. You make up your narrative as you go.   Comments like yours only hurt donald Trump.  You accepted PAC money which benefited from NAFTA. You support NAFTA. You are giving us painted  window boxes while the refrigerator is empty and the house is on fire. You help set the fire, and now you say you need to listen. Anger does not even begin to describe your distance from any accountability.

Jobs in the public sector; education, medical or other non-competitive government institutions were not affected by the trade agreements at fault. People in these jobs forged their careers with complete protected from the problem of outsourcing.

In the name of competition and capitalism, the American private sector employees  have been thrown down the Maslow mineshaft . Our hopes of a job and building retirement are gone. People who were  pushed down the Maslow outsourcing mineshaft are like useless animals being feed into the meat grinder… consumed and eliminated into an existence of day to day survival.  Then called stupid and lazy. Those little assumptions in your life which provides security, like the day to day treadmill of work, is the practice of your survival. That stuff went away for millions of people. thinging you understand someone else because you are Intellectualizing what you see is like trying to understand or enjoy the flavor of an orange which someone else is eating

Many Trump voters are living in homes and in lives whose purpose has been completely changed. We were stripped of our existence without any regard for the human element. A person’s work is important, especially when it is a lifelong career. When that is gone, it makes you feel as helpless time a homeless person looks. I now understand that I never understood homeless people before.  Just as you cannot understand a Trump Supporter… There is no enjoyment in life when you are at that lower level. no opportunities, nothing to visualize for a future, no hope. So we attack those people and moral are the rational we use to justify our judgement for another person’s experience.

Imagine being a nurse of school teacher, in your 50’s and told you need to reinvent yourself.

Reinvent yourself: take a job which requires far less skill, far less pay and of no interest.

Calling people ignorant is a luxury.

Andy Borowitz. I’m guessing… Andy never served in the military.

His old assumption and generalization about groups of people is generally based on a false sense of personal control, security.  But Andy never took the military oath!  He assumes everyone feels as secure about the world as he does.

A retired older woman with a home and security will assume life from her perspective. Hillary addresses their problems. these same people see Trump is a plight to morals and will bring the country down.

Maslow works the same for us all. He is  transparent to the environment and make us all singularly focused from the outlaying position of our individual problems.

What many don’t realize is that the Trump election machine started collecting voters many years ago. The dominos were clicking since  #NAFTA  was signed and people’s lives started slowly getting plowed under.  How many quality jobs have we lost in this country over the last 25 years due to Asian Outsourcing? that can be argued, but i know of two specifically, and both were mine.  #NAFTA is synonymous with Clinton and unless you were affected by it directly you cannot understand.

Trump is hitting home because he understands the economic mechanics at work here and is speaking directly to people with the most fundamental problems.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump supporters align with their candidate because of how the candidate resonates with their problems.  We are all afforded the luxury of assumptions which blind and limit us to a single point of view.  We align, like a weather vein into a breeze,  into our problems. Our most fundamental problems drive our direction.

Depending on how the candidates information hits you is how it resonates. For example. I’ve been against NAFTA  and outsourcing.  I’m strongly aligned against it because of it’s direct effect on me.

For me, Trump is at the top of a 60 foot well,  looking down into a well, directly at me, saying

“hey Rich, OK, I see ya, I’m dropping a line”.

That is how his message is resonating to his supporters. There are people up there on the patio next to Trump, sitting by the pool, calling us stupid, angry, racist… they have their cradle to grave secure jobs and are getting fat sitting by the pool We’re screaming for help… nothing!

Throughout the primaries Hillary Clinton has been winning in the cities. Hillary is very popular in the African-American community. She is looking down the well shaft and talking directly to those in the cities who vote for her.  She is resonating with her voters because she has earned the confidence from her voters, she hears them.  she is speaking directly to the problems of her supporters, as they seem them. Outsiders say it’s a community that lives off of the system. That is an equally false view and will be left for a future article.

 Regardless of our, environment, gender, race, religion, tradition… pragmatism drives our motives equally. And we are equally as intelligent. The difference is our tools and knowledge of them.Assuming that your opponent is stupid will only shorten your lifespan.  

And that is what you are doing when you call Trump supporters stupid… you are underestimating our intelligence. And that judgement is coming from the same psychological landscape as Jim Crow racism. 

And after we’ve solved a few problems, we will all get to know Trump even better. Those of us struggling at the bottom of Maslow’s well shaft can hear occasional sounds. We know there is a party going on up there… maybe you could send down some beers and maybe a bowl of peel and eat shrimp. 

Trump supporters are fighting for their survival, not their vanity. Don’t be surprised if the hypocrisy of shit you drop down the shaft comes back to you.